5 Tips & Strategies To Save Money on Groceries

It’s never been more true that people all over the country are looking for ways to stretch their budget further. Groceries easily become one of the primary costs in anyone’s budget, so the way you handle your grocery costs can make a big difference for your bottom line at the end of the month. It’s not always easy, and it does take some time and sacrifice, but here are five tried-and-true strategies to save money on groceries while still enjoying mealtime.

1. Try EveryPlate To Simplify Your Main Meals

First, trying a meal subscription like EveryPlate is a great way to save yourself both money and stress. Their deals are seriously affordable, and their food is delicious.

Remember that time is money. You can save yourself some serious time by using EveryPlate (which, by the way, is a subsidiary of Hello Fresh). Within just a few minutes you can select your meals (and maybe a couple of add-ons, like their $1 steak, which is actually fresh and quality) and be done with your meal planning for the entire week.

At that point, they simply deliver the food to you with instructions for making each meal. It’s really that simple. And trust us – our team has actually tried this affordable meal subscription, and it’s worth it!

2. Plan Your Meals and Make a Shopping List

One of the most effective ways to save money on groceries is to plan your meals for the week ahead. Take some time to create a detailed meal plan, considering the ingredients you already have in your pantry. Once your plan is complete, make a shopping list based on the items you need. Stick to your list when you’re at the store to avoid impulse purchases. Planning ahead not only helps you buy only what you need but also reduces food waste.

3. Take Advantage of Sales and Discounts

As cliche as it sounds, keep an eye on your local grocery store’s weekly flyers and take advantage of sales and discounts. You really can save a lot of money by using coupons. Many stores offer promotions on staple items, and buying in bulk during these sales can also help you find substantial savings. It might also be worth joining the store’s loyalty program to access exclusive discounts and earn points for savings redeemable in the future. Sure, it may take some extra effort to stay informed about ongoing promotions, but the savings will add up over time.

4. Buy Generic and Store Brands

Don’t underestimate how expensive brand loyalty can be! Consider trying generic or store brands, which are often more affordable than their name-brand counterparts. In many cases, the quality difference is minimal (or non-existent), and you may find that you enjoy the generic or store brand just as much as the more expensive options. By making the switch, you can significantly cut your grocery costs without sacrificing much on your grocery list or losing out on nutritional value.

5. Buy in Bulk and Optimize Shelf-Stable Staples

Finally, purchasing certain items in bulk is a great way to save. Focus on shelf-stable staples such as rice, pasta, canned goods, and frozen vegetables, which have long expiration dates so you don’t have to worry about using them too quickly. Utilize bulk bins for items like grains, nuts, and spices so you can buy the exact amount you need. On the other hand, be cautious about buying large amounts of perishable items. It may be tempting to take advantage of those deals (and sometimes you should), but sometimes doing so will result in waste.

The bottom line is that saving money on groceries is possible and simple requires a combination of planning, intentional shopping, and consistency. By implementing these five strategies, you can significantly reduce your grocery expenses without sacrificing the quality and variety of your meals. And don’t forget to give EveryPlate a try; even if you only use it for a week or two to try it out, you won’t regret it!

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